Diversity and inclusion

HSBC Australia is committed to being a place where all employees are respected and have access to equal opportunities regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, sexuality, caring responsibilities, or ability.

Our actions are focused on making HSBC Australia a place where all our people feel valued, respected and supported to fulfil their full potential.

Fair and inclusive recruitment

How we hire directly influences how diverse we are. Our hiring process is fair, transparent, and inclusive to ensure we attract and hire the strongest candidates from diverse talent pools.

Career development

Our career development and promotion processes are fair and equitable irrespective of gender, sexual orientation, or ethnicity. We take a strategic approach to this process which includes regular benchmarking and making investments in talent programmes at all levels.

Disability confidence

Our ambition is to become a leading disability confident employer by implementing workplace adjustment principles and ensuring that all employees with disability (including physical or sensory), mental health conditions or a neurodiversity have the tools and technologies to thrive at work.

Cultural diversity

We’re building a more accurate and transparent view of our diversity across HSBC so we can set more meaningful goals to improve workplace inclusion and representation of colleagues.

Emerging LGBTQ+ leadership development

We have partnered with Out Leadership, a unique initiative designed to foster professional growth for emerging LGBTQ+ leaders and aims to create a supportive environment for learning, networking and opportunities to connect with potential mentors and sponsors.

Working with others

HSBC Australia works with a wide range of organisations who share our commitment to drive meaningful, inclusive change.

  • Diversity Council of Australia (DCA)
  • Women in Banking and Finance (WIBF)
  • Australian Network for Disability (AND)
  • Pride in Diversity
  • Out Leadership
  • Parents@Work


Employee Resource Groups

Our employee resource groups (ERGs) help us attract a diverse workforce and create a more inclusive working environment. These voluntary employee-led groups support colleagues and build understanding of inclusion issues so we can connect with our diverse customer base.

In Australia, we have the following ERGs:


The Balance network supports the recruitment, development, advancement and engagement of a gender-balanced workforce within HSBC.


The Nurture network for working parents and carers supports a family-friendly approach across HSBC through educational activities, sharing expertise, and promoting the benefits of a family diverse workforce.


The Ability network is dedicated to leveraging the diverse skills and abilities of employees and carers of individuals with both visible and hidden physical and mental health challenges.


The Embrace network for ethnicity and race helps us attract, retain and engage a more diverse range of talent and educates on the benefits of embracing inclusion.


Our Pride network supports an inclusive environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and other non-mainstream groups on the spectrums of sexual orientation and gender identity (LGBTQ+).

All of HSBC Australia’s ERG networks regularly collaborate and share resources as well as host joint events to maximise their impact and drive membership.