6 December 2019

Australians turn to ancient Chinese practice to increase property value

Property sellers seeking the best price for their homes should consider adopting the ancient Chinese cultural practice of feng shui, with new research from HSBC revealing more than half of Aussies would be more inclined to purchase real estate that maximises the qi, or energy, within it.

Media enquiries:

Ashleigh Baines
T: +61 2 9255 2385
M: +61 466 939 408
Email: ashleigh.baines@hsbc.com.au

  • New HSBC research reveals 57% of all Australians believe feng shui could increase the value of their property
  • 82% of Australians prefer the look of a home that utilises feng shui without even realising it
  • HSBC and Archistar offer a free feng shui analysis feature for homeowners.

While the research revealed only 6 per cent of Australians had a ‘deep understanding’ of feng shui principles, when presented with examples, a staggering 82 per cent preferred the look of a room that abided by the practice, without even realising it.

HSBC conducted the research in collaboration with feng shui master, Edgar Lok Tin Yung, with the aim of bringing the principles of feng shui to more Australians who want to add further value to their home.

Feng shui is said to increase personal and financial wellbeing, and 57 per cent of all respondents believed it would increase their property’s value. Its leading benefit was considered to be its ability to create ‘a more comfortable home’ (48 per cent).

Respondents identified the other top benefits of applying feng shui to a property as improved health (44 per cent) and increased attractiveness to buyers (36 per cent).

“Many people think feng shui is just a design tool to make your home look better, when in fact it’s a powerful ancient practice that has the ability to improve not just the environment within the home, but also the health, wealth and longevity of those living in it,” said Mr Yung.

Learn how to apply feng shui

To support homeowners in their understanding of feng shui and its benefits, HSBC is partnering with property intelligence start-up Archistar to offer a customised feng shui analysis of their home.

Jessica Power, Head of Retail Banking and Wealth Management at HSBC Australia said:
“Property owners shoud take every opportunity they can to enhance the value in their homes – small changes really do make a big difference when it comes to achieving harmony.“

“Our unique partnership with Archistar will encourage Australians to look at home value and renovation a little differently.” 

Feng Shui Master, Edgar Lok Ting Yung discusses how feng shui can increase the value of your property.

Key research findings

  • 82% of Australians were able to name multiple benefits of implementing feng shui in the home without realising it.
  • Families (86%), mortgage holders (85%) and females (84%) were the most likely to acknowledge they preferred an image of a room where feng shui principles had been applied. 
  • 40% of respondents said they would implement feng shui principles to encourage the sale of their homes, yet a similar number (42%) only knew “a little bit” about feng shui.
  • 39% felt it was better to buy than sell a property, reflecting a view that we are in a buyer’s market.
  • 22% of Australians believe feng shui can lead to greater longevity and improve a person’s financial situation (22%).
  • 43% of respondents would be interested in a free personalised report identifying ways to improve feng shui in their homes, and those with mortgages showed the highest interest (47%).

  • For more information about HSBC’s feng shui partnership with Archistar, click here.