22 June 2020

Best result ever for LGBT+ inclusion at HSBC

For the sixth year running, HSBC has been recognised as one of Australia’s most inclusive employers for LGBT+ colleagues and received its highest score ever in the Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI), putting it among the top 37 employers for LGBT+ inclusion nationally.

HSBC was awarded ‘Silver Employer’ at the 2020 Australian LGBTQ Inclusion Awards.



The AWEI is the national benchmarking instrument for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex (LGBTI) inclusion within Australian workplaces. The AWEI is delivered by Pride in Diversity, Australia’s national not-for-profit support program for all aspects of LGBT+ workplace inclusion.


Recognised at the 2020 Australian LGBTQ Inclusion Awards, which were held virtually due to social distancing restrictions, HSBC was awarded ‘Silver Employer’ status for the first time, after receiving bronze accreditations for the last five consecutive years.

“Australia’s Pride Network pulled out the stops over the last 12 months to make our branches, offices and policies even more inclusive for LGBT+ customers and employees, resulting in our Silver Employer status,” said Paul Murphy, Head of Human Resources, HSBC Australia.

Earlier this year, HSBC Australia’s Pride Network worked with the bank’s facilities team to introduce the first ‘all gender’ bathroom to the bank’s headquarters in Barangaroo, NSW. In doing so, the bank has created a safe space for trans or gender non-binary employees and clients to use the bathroom.

In late-February, the Pride Network also invited all colleagues to its annual Mardi Gras celebration and on 10 June, hosted one of 44 virtual Pride events for HSBC’s global #24HoursofPride campaign, a celebration of HSBC’s continued support for the LGBT+ community.

“I want to express my thanks to the team that compiled this year’s AWEI submission and also to the many colleagues who regularly contribute to Pride events and initiatives, both in the workplace and the communities the bank supports,” said James Courtney, Co-Chair of HSBC Australia’s Pride Network.

“To be recognised as a Silver Employer for LGBT+ inclusion is an incredible achievement, but also represents an opportunity to focus our efforts and ‘go for gold’ in support of the LGBT+ community,” he added.

Creating an inclusive workplace is every employee’s responsibility, regardless of their gender identity or sexuality and all employees are welcome to join HSBC Australia’s Pride Network or throw their support behind its ever-growing Allies program.

Media enquiries:

Alison Kahler
T: +61 2 9006 5583
M: +61 (0) 403 964 750
Email: alison.kahler@hsbc.com.au